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Grips and Accessories

Screw Action Mechanical Grips

Titan Series Wedge Action Mechanical Grips

Pneumatic Mechanical Grips

Snubbing and Capstan Mechanical Grips

Elastomer Material Mechanical Grips

Wide Width and Geotextile Grips

Elastomer Material Mechanical Grips

Tensile testing of materials and components are the most common tests performed by a large margin. Likewise, the variation in sample geometry and component design creates a large number of different sample types and sizes. Consequently there are many different tensile grips and related fixtures. Additionally, there are many different types of test machines – many requiring special machine adapters. The most popular grips include wedge action grips, pneumatic powered grips, hydraulic grips, and spring operated grips.

Snubbing and Capstan Mechanical Grips

 Wedge Action Mechanical Grips

Titan Series Wedge Action Mechanical Grips MECHANICAL GRIPS Screw Action Mechanical Grips Pneumatic Mechanical Grips Snubbing and Capstan Mechanical Grips Wide Width and Geotextile Grips GRIP.90100.X0.pdf

 Churck Key Type Grips